Saturday 24 October 2009

Aion Mastery - A Quick Review of The Aion Mastery Guide

I got a copy of the new Aion Mastery guide in my inbox the other day and wanted to give it a whirl so I could share with everyone how it worked. I usually don’t spend too much time with these guides, if only because they tend to be underwhelming sooner than later. But, this time around I ended up spending a tremendous amount of time playing around with it to see exactly what I could get out of the guide before I switched back to non-guide playing.

To tell you the truth though, I don’t know that I’ll switch back. Aion Mastery is a heck of a good guide and it has helped me play so much better than I could possibly have played without it. I’m talking about huge boosts in speed to my play time – cutting up to a dozen hours off my last leveling time from 37-38 alone.

What Else Does It Do?

To top things off, the Aion Mastery guides make sure you’re covered for both races, no matter which way you go. Some other guides out there are only for one or another race or only go up to a certain point. But, Aion Mastery is a full guide series up to Level 50 for both races.

But, the best part for me, and the thing I’ve been using the most of late, is the Kinah guide. It has been extremely useful for me as I’m not a big farmer in these kinds of games, but more than any other game I’ve seen before, you NEED to have a lot of Kinah in hand to proceed. Your wing upgrades at Level 30 alone cost 1 Million Kinah – that’s some serious dough.

My Final Opinion

In the end, I don’t think you’re going to find any guide on the market that so thoroughly covers everything in Aion as well as Aion Mastery. This thing is downright thorough. The fact that I’m going to keep using it, even after writing this review should tell you enough. That’s usually not my cup of tea.

For now though, I need to get going because I have a Daeva in much need of some new armor and a whole lot of crafting to do to get there. If you’re interested though, check out the guide at the official site here: Aion Mastery Instant Download

Can Aion Mastery Really Get You Kinah and Level 50?

There are a lot of guides out there that claim all sorts of crazy things, so whenever a new MMO is launched, I get a TON of emails and comments asking me about this guide and that guide. Right now, I’m working my way through a few different Aion guides, but I’ve got to be honest with you – only one of them thus far has shown itself to be even remotely as effective as it claims.

What Aion Mastery Claims to Do

So, here’s the deal. Unlike a few other guides out there, Aion Mastery tries to cover just about everything you’ll need when you start playing the game. That means it includes an Elyos and Asmodian leveling guide as well as a Kinah guide to get you up to the numbers most players are aiming for (at least, the numbers I’m aiming for).

But, do those guides actually provide everything you need? Most of the time, when I look these kinds of things up, I find that they are loaded up with easy to find, free information from the Internet. But, this time around, I have to say, this guy did his homework. He didn’t just load up on free info and vague quest details. He shows you exactly how to get through everything you need up to level 50 and to 1 million Kinah (and beyond).

I don’t usually keep using these guides after I’ve given them their fair due either, but with Aion Mastery, I think I’ll still be playing this game for weeks and months to come using the guides provided. They’re that good.

Getting the Most Out of Aion Mastery

In the end, Aion Mastery is the best looking new guide for the top new MMO out there. I hate to sound too much like a commercial, but the truth is that I can’t find a single guide out there that provides as much info, as fast a leveling path, and as detailed of strategies as Aion Mastery. It gets the job done and then some.

If you’re looking for a good Aion guide, you ought to check this thing out – it’s well worth your time. Click Here to Instantly Download The Aion Mastery Guide

The Truth Behind Aion Mastery

Aion just came out, not that long ago, but along with it came a slew of new game guides that promised all sorts of crazy things. In the long run, I haven’t been all that impressed with what they’ve had to offer. But, I’m always game to try out new ones because I know eventually someone will figure it out.

So, now that we have the newest Aion guide on our desks in Aion Mastery, I’m actually pretty excited to tell you that I’ve uncovered what is probably the first really good Aion guide. Before I start gushing though, let me show you exactly why this thing stands out.

Using the Guide

First off, I don’t normally play games with guides. But, even I’m considering giving Aion a shot with this thing. The game is much more in-depth and harder than the existing games I’ve been playing for so many years. WoW is a cakewalk next to the grinding you’re doing in this thing, so a guide is an awesome resource for just that reason.

I started the guide out around Level 11, where one of my alts had started. In a matter of minutes I had the gist of how to use the guide and was well on my way to level 12 and beyond. It took me only the rest of the week to reach Level 30. I’ve only been using the guide for the last 2 weeks, but I’m already Level 36 and am grinding strong, well on my way to the top.

That said, I like to have enough Kinah in my bags to afford everything I need along the way. That’s where Aion Mastery really stands out, by offering the old guide package with Kinah making strategies built in. And, considering how new the guide is, these strategies are pretty fantastic.

The Bottom Line

I didn’t expect to find a truly good Aion guide this early on after the game came out, but with Aion Mastery we have one. And the best part is that it is being updated nearly constantly as the game progresses and new strategies are uncovered. So, even if you’re not finding quite enough strategies as an Armorcrafter now, in a couple weeks, you’ll be set. I cannot recommend Aion Mastery enough – this thing really gets the job done.

If you’re looking for a good Aion guide, you ought to check this thing out – All The Secrets are Revealed in it! Click Here to Instantly Download The Aion Mastery Guide